Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Virgin's Protection Magic Translation

Translation Copyright Habisain 2015-2016
Original Game Copyright Searothonc 2015

Please support the author and buy the original game! 


v 0.82 (23rd July 2017): New release! Translates 82% of the game, up until the end of Act 4.

Known Issue: In some cases dialogue portraits may disappear due to limitations in RPGMaker Trans
Update 7th Jan 2016: New version of RPGMaker Trans has improved the progress bar bugs on older versions, but be aware that for this game it will take a long time to finish the final 1% of the game. This is due to it having a very nonstandard distribution of script commands, and the Windows networking stack making the communication between Ruby and Python processes much slower than it should be.


DLSite page - can either download the Virgin's Protection Magic Demo from DLSite here (yellow button in middle of page) or purchase the full version DLSite, when released, buy the game here
Download the translation Patch on Assembla
Doanload RPGMaker Trans to apply the patch (required version 4.35)
Discus on Hongfire


You may not redistribute prepatched copies of this game (restricted by no derivative works clause of license). You may not use the patch commercially. You may redistribute this patch, exactly as it is.

This patch is for all versions of VPM, but content introduced in v1.1.4 is not yet translated.

Applying this patch

Unzip RPGMaker Trans and the original game. Open RPGMaker Trans. Click the top browse button and select the Game.exe file in the original games folder. Now click the second browse button (which should just have become click-able) and select (if you unzipped VPM_patch, select the RPGMKTRANSPATCH file in the directory you unzipped to). If you wish, you can change the target directory, but otherwise click the Go button to start patching. By default, if the translated game will end up in path_to_game_translated (i.e. if the original game resides in C:\VPM, the translated game ends up in C:\VPM_translated)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Wow. Thanks for the feedback. I especially like how you call MY translation software "useless" and "dodgy". If you haven't realised, RPGMaker Trans is my project.

      RPGMaker Trans has a lot of advantages. Not least is the fact that Searothonc has approved of the patch being in this format. Also the patch is not tied to any version of the game - can you name any other game that has had a partial translation patch available at the moment of release? As in not soon after release, but literally on the release of the game?

      Finally, I'd point out that whatever patches you have applied have also required additional software to apply. Given that a lot of unpackers are closed source, these have a much higher chance of being 'dodgy' (although not all are, obviously.)

      Nowhere on this page do I make any request for financial support. RPGMaker Trans has a generic donate button on it for people who want to contribute to that project.

      In short: if you do not like RPGMaker Trans, I am not forcing you to use this patch. Just play the game in Japanese.

    2. For me worked perfectly. Thank you for your hard work

  2. I also had reservations about the translation software until i tried it, and it works.

    Thank you, and keep up the good work.


  3. Unfortunately, the translation is not patch with 1.04.
    The since 2 hours remains at 99% XD


    1. Unfortunately restart the so-called program brings nothing

    2. On this page it says that if the patcher gets stuck at 99% it is actually finished. I'll double check, but I think that's what happened.

      Also, please don't be insulting about my work.

  4. Patch always gets stuck at 99%, no matter how long I let it sit.

    1) Starting it as admin or not made no difference
    2) Using compressed or uncompressed patch made no difference
    3) Killing all tasks and restarting the procress multiple times made no difference

    1. It does say on this page that of the patcher is stuck at 99%, it's finished

    2. Wish it worked for me like that. The original starts fine, the translated version gives me an error at the start saying a file is missing.

    3. In that case I don't think you left it for long enough. Wait until the patcher says finished. There's been a number of cases like this - in all cases, problems have been caused by the user being impatient and closing the patcher before it was finished.

      If you think you genuinely have found a bug, then please make a bug report on the RPGMaker Trans website, and provide some kind of information which I can actually use to diagnose it - so far I haven't seen anything that wouldn't be caused by user impatience.

  5. I gotta say mang this translation works like a charm. And for those who are having trouble with it please go back and review what steps you may or may not have done. Also please mind the known bugs to what may happen upon the download.

  6. hello
    i got a question. I have used the translator and evry thin works fine only at the act 3 is almost nothing translated. Was that part not good translateted or isnt there any translation for act 3?
    sorry for my bad english

    1. Read the page, why not.

      "This patch is for the *demo* of Virgin's Protection Magic, as of 4/7/2015. It can be applied to any other version of the demo, as well as the full game, but in this case it is expected that a number of text strings will not be translated."

  7. I liked your work. And I didn't get any trouble while Im installing it. I waited at least 5-10 min at %99 and worked fine. Good job and thanks for letting us to play this game without lost ourselves in the japanese kanjis ^^ Btw sorry for my bad English ^^'

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Stuck on 99% but, it says that in unpacks archive. I'm using file from archive, not archive itself.

    1. Unsure on what could cause that (possibly a long paths issue), but maybe you should try unpacking the game with an alternate tool?

  10. Good work on that translation of yours! I am eagerly waiting for your laptop maintenance to be completed so that you might continue this translation! and again good job! (P.S I can't play the game anymore without the translation, the script is just so cute.)

    1. Thanks. Wish I could say that laptop repair was going well (good one is likely to end up in courts at this rate over a dodgy repair, old one has a random chance to boot and haven't been able to recover data from it yet)

  11. Love the game, love the translatio.
    Ser you are a BOSS.

  12. Hey I need help with a game issue where it says I'm missing audio file se/seh02

    1. Same here. Happens on the ointment scene at the beginning in both the Japanese version and the patched one.

    2. This is caused by an incorrectly extracted game - specifically mangled Japanese BGM file names.

      Given that there are a few people who've complained about this, I hypothesise that there may be a dodgy version floating around pirating websites. So depending on the problem, either work out how to extract Japanese ZIP files (i.e. change system codepage), or just buy the game from DLSite.

      In any case, tech support on the original game is not relevant in comments on the patch. Please refrain from further requests here.

    3. Ah. Alright.
      Well, thanks anyway. Sorry for the hassle.

  13. I know this is for the *demo* version, but it seems as if the first 2 acts of the full game are supposed to be partially translated, so I think I've encountered an issue, and I want to know if I installed the patch wrong, or if it is because I have the newest release of the full game(1.1.3). So I get some(actually most) interaction text translated, like if I go talk to someone, or pick up an item, but all the storyline text is still in japanese, and if I view my inventory, the item names are in japanese. Further, only some menu items are translated. I figure that the patch just isn't lining up with the full versions line id's and so it isn't being applied correctly, but if I installed it wrong I would like to know so I can try to get the story of this great game. thank you.

    1. Also to this end, RPGTrans 4.22 doesn't allow me to select, I have to unzip the file and select the RPGMKTRANSPATCH file... I take it that isn't normal. Just FYI, I'm running Windows 10 Pro, with Japanese Locale(actually set, not using AppLocale), and the Japanese Language Pack installed...

    2. Alright, sorry for the triple post here. I just wanted to say, that according to RPGTrans the patch version I have is v3, which is the only one I can find to download via your link provided, and I downloaded it today, so maybe there just wasn't as much translated with that patch version? Sorry, really just trying to figure this out...

    3. OK, so to answer things in detail:

      1) RPGMaker Trans currently has issues with ZIP patches (see Update 20th Sept 2015 above). What you're seeing may actually be normal.
      2) What you're seeing is definitely not correct behavior. It should translate item names etc, and a good chunk of the story. I'm not sure, but it almost seems like the patch hasn't been applied at all, just the assets of the patch, which is odd. Hate to ask, but could you open up a bug report over on the RPGMaker Trans issue tracker ( - you can use your Google ID to sign in there, so you don't need a new account)? Preferably attaching both the Data folder from the game and the patch folder after applying the translation? I've had this reported a couple of times, but the people complaining haven't given me those two things, which means I haven't been able to diagnose the issue

      - Habisain

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. For reasons that I don't understand, fathur deleted his comment. It was basically a 'what's the status' question. Apologies anyone still worried by the laptop dead notice - I forgot I put it up here.

      Current status is that I'm most of the way through translating Act 3, and hope to have a new version of the patch released by the end of the year.

    2. That is great, I have been really looking forward to the translation as I am really enjoying this game.

  15. Shame but the patcher does not work for me
    Stuck at 99% for some minutes and then a load of errors pop up with this message:
    cx_Freeze: Python error in main script
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\Python34\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\", line 27, in
    File "", line 20, in
    File "C:\Python34\lib\multiprocessing\", line 148, in freeze_support
    File "C:\Python34\lib\multiprocessing\", line 74, in freeze_support
    File "C:\Python34\lib\multiprocessing\", line 106, in spawn_main
    File "C:\Python34\lib\multiprocessing\", line 119, in _main
    File "C:\Python34\lib\multiprocessing\", line 273, in _bootstrap
    AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'flush'


    1. Have you tried playing the game? If it's a 99% then it normally means it's actually finished - remember to check the text below the progress bar.

    2. As an additional note, I've had a quick look and it seems that this is a known issue on the 4.3 version of RPGMaker Trans (hence why it isn't officially announced on the main website). Despite all the error messages, the game should have patched correctly, so give it a go.

  16. Hello,
    Using the version 4.22 does correct the error issue, but the patch is not applied: only the intro, main menu and the prologue following a new game is translated.
    I'm using the version 1.1.3 of the game.

    1. I've just tried to reproduce this issue and I cannot. The patch is applied correctly for me (remember: the released patch will only translate up to the end of Act 1 completely; if you're trying to play any further than that translations are not guaranteed). If you want further help, then it would be best to open an issue on the Bitbucket Bug tracker for RPGMaker Trans so that we can exchange files which can be useful for sorting this out.

  17. Hello,

    a big thank you to you for your work on the translation, if not I have told all your translation as screenshot? I keep my save was I even getting a new part not change it? is there an alternative you or not? Thank you

    1. While I'm not entirely sure what you're asking, the only thing I'm aware of that will not be translated if you use a save game from an untranslated version would be Brigit's name in menus. If you're asking if when going from say, patch version 1 to patch version 2, you'd have to restart the game to see the extra translated bits, the answer is no - the save will work just fine.


      the menu is not translated in my house

    3. I cannot reproduce this issue; if you're having problems, please open a bug report on the RPGMaker Trans bug tracker so that I can get all of the relevant files I need to help with this issue.

      However, just to check the obvious: you have run the game from the _translated folder and not the original folder, right?

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. yes I run the games translated.

      I have translated portions of text is another step.

      I do it this way:

      1) I start

      _ Then in (game location) I indicate game.exe
      _ Then in (Patch location) I specify the file RPGMKTRANSPATCH
      _ Then in (translation location) I tell nothing

      I then click go!

      it my creating a new games record I run with him this.

      here is my procedure

  18. Well, I've managed to patch the game without any issues (RGPM Trans certainly makes it a quick and pleasant procedure) and am enjoying the quality of the said translation.

    I've no bugs or problems to report and no online harassment quota to meet, so instead of flinging shit at you for providing content to the people, I'm just gonna say "thank you" if you don't mind.

    1. Sorry for the delayed response - I'm not around this site as much as I should be. In any case, thanks for the feedback. Always nice to here when things go right for once.

  19. Hows the work going? You have done an amazing job so far and I'm really looking forward to this being finished. :)

  20. Hows the work going? You have done an amazing job so far and I'm really looking forward to this being finished. :)

    1. Some progress, but not a huge amount. There will be an announcement soon, but this'll be me moving this blog over to Tumblr - Blogspot is pretty terrible - along with solidifying pages for my other translation projects.

      I'm working on getting some kind of progress tracker for the next release though...

  21. please keep up the hard work cant wait to play in full ^^

  22. Don't know what i'm doing wrong but i'm getting this error

    WARNING: Ruby with nonzero exit code 1
    ERROR: Ruby unexpectedly quit.
    Ruby Traceback:
    G:/Anime/z HGame/Nova pasta/Virgin Protection Magic/RJ139133 Virgin Protection Magic CG/DJGAME-150918-RJ139133-Ver.1.1.3-14004683_0/RPGMakerTransv4.35/pruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.1.0/rubygems.rb:1214:in `require': cannot load such file -- rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require (LoadError)
    from G:/Anime/z HGame/Nova pasta/Virgin Protection Magic/RJ139133 Virgin Protection Magic CG/DJGAME-150918-RJ139133-Ver.1.1.3-14004683_0/RPGMakerTransv4.35/pruby/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.1.0/rubygems.rb:1214:in `'
    from :1:in `require'
    from :1:in `'

    1. Holy crap that's a long path. Windows can do stupid things with long paths, so maybe you should try putting RPGMaker Trans somewhere else - preferably closer to the root of the drive.

      Also this is the wrong place for RPGMaker Trans support - ask over at the RPGMaker Trans website, so that other people can see the answers easily.

    2. About the path i tried unpacking at the root and got the same error, i will go to RPGMaker Trans support.
      Thanks for quick reply, nice job with the tranlation =)

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. When I try to patch the game the CommonEvents.rvdata2 is always missing.

    1. You haven't left the patcher to actually finish in that case.

  25. any idea when the next patch will be?

    1. Not really. I made a post at ULMF that detailed current progress recently though, so maybe check that out (link in post above)

  26. Hi habisain. Do you stop updating this site?

    1. Not intentionally. It just seems I've been forgetting to run hg push.

      In my defence, a lot of translating is done on trains and similar, where I don't have a stable internet connection to do the hg push command. I'll try to get it updated tonight.

    2. And it's done. While there may be only 7 changesets, those changesets are mostly pretty big ones.

  27. It's nice to keep seeing the progress from now & then. Keep up the good work Habisain.

  28. i'm having error saying MSCVR100.dll is missing even though i installed Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) or do i need the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86)?

    1. Sorry for the delayed response. You will need the x86 version of the redistributable.

  29. Thank you for you hard work. Bought the game after finding this and it is awesome.
    I have a minor issue though.
    Your screenshoots show the status screen and the menu completely translated. Aftzer runnig the translation patch (it went all the way to 100%) it looks like this:
    The game is perfectly playable as is, just would be neat to have it completely translated.

    On another note: Any chance there might be a patch for the missing parts of act 3 in the near future? Don't want to start act 3 without those.

    1. RPGMaker Trans that I've been unable to track down where it randomly doesn't work sometimes. So please redownload the patch and try applying it again - all of those bits should be translated.

      There are no missing parts in Act 3 as far as the story is concerned (including the story related H-scenes). Optional H-scenes are another matter, and it's most likely all the H-scenes accessible in Act 3 will only be translated in the final 100% complete version of the patch.

    2. As an addendum, if I had to guess... It looks as if the Scripts.txt file in the patch wasn't applied in your copy of the game. I have no idea why that might be the case, but you should probably check that the Scripts.txt file is inside the patch folder (and preferably that it contains translations) before you reapply the patch.

    3. Thanks for the fast reply. Redownloading the patch worked and everything is translated now. If it was the scripts.txt I can't say as I redownloaded the patch before I read your second reply.

      Yeah I know that only optional scenes are untranslated. I watch them too, so this is some content I have to omit if I go on. I am not complaining about a free patch though. I will check occasionally if the proper patch is released.

  30. File on Assembla is not available now, is it a bug or do you decided to update it?

    1. No, that shouldn't have happened.

      It looks like Assembla has a very dumb policy on files uploaded from Dropbox, which is it just links to the file on Dropbox - hence when I was cleaning up files on my PC, the patch file ended up vanishing from Assembla as well.

      I'll make sure the next release is properly uploaded to Assembla.

    2. Mind telling us the ETA?

    3. No ETAs, because I always miss them :(

      What I can say is that I will be releasing the next version once I have translated 70% of the game. I am currently at 65%. How long this takes depends on how much free time I have.

  31. For anyone that wants to buy this game from the english version of the site here's the link Magic Protects Her Purity
    Thank you for sharing your translation with us habisain. I appreciate it.

  32. Replies
    1. Not yet, I'm afraid. I'm currently at something like 68% done, the release process will be triggered when I get to 70%. Note that the release process includes editing and fixing some known issues, so it'll take a bit of time even after that.

      Also trying to get something better for this project than this blog. Was going to migrate to Tumblr, but think I've got a better idea now.

    2. thanks for the quick reply good to know this hasnt died just wish the maker would make more like it ^^

  33. So the current patch includes up to act 3 storyline wise? Not including the h-scenes and GOR scenes in act 3?

    1. Sorry for the late response.

      That is correct. I am fairly confident that sometime this month there will be a patch that takes the game to the end of Act 4, with all GOR scenes (but not all H-scenes)

      Also strictly speaking I think they're ROL H-scenes, as it isn't a game over.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. No worries about the late reply, just glad to hear you're still working on this. Much appreciated

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I'm having a problem patching this game properly, it seems to mostly work, the main menu, opening text and the little bit of intro telling you about the game you get after you click new game is all in English, the problem is, once you are in the game, no text is translated except the character names and the Familiar and System options in the menu. Maybe I'm missing something important, but can anybody help with this problem?

    1. Try redownloading + reapplying the patch - RPGMaker Trans sometimes bugs out for no apparent reason and doesn't patch correctly, so this could be what's happened.

  36. I'm used to decrypting the Game.rgss3a and overwriting english files manually, but not using a 3rd party program to do all the work. So do I have to keep the original Japanese game folder to apply future translation patch or can I apply the patch on the already patched one?

    1. At the moment, it's recommended to keep the original game folder around. It's something that I'm working on improving, but haven't yet finished.

      NOTE: It's not that it won't work if you patch the translated version - it's just that applying the patch to the translated version will not be able to apply corrections to already translated strings.

  37. Replies
    1. Yeah, he's more active on his ULMF thread

    2. Indeed, there is no cause for concern. I am still working on this. The reason why I'm not active here is because Blogger is a really rubbish platform. In the near future I'm looking to put this place into archive only mode and move to my own website, but it's all a bit up in the air right now.

      Anyhow, I'm going to go off and make a not dead blog post now as well as some instructions for people who want up-to-the-minute progress reports (my Mercurial logs are good for that).

  38. Dropbox link is down on Assembla

    1. Ack, sorry. Restored the link. Although the good thing is I've now added onto Assembla itself, so it can be downloaded directly.

  39. Why not just upload it to mega?

    1. Two reasons:
      1) The situation where it was Assembla linking to Dropbox was a bit of an aberration. Normally Assembla does direct hosting, which is the best solution. As I'm on a stable internet connection now, I've fixed it so that there is a directly hosted version on Assembla.
      2) Personally I find Mega to be somewhat obnoxious - the way they're using encryption to circumvent the law on copyright is pretty dubious, offers a poor user experience, and I don't think is sustainable legally. I suspect it's only a matter of time before Mega implodes, and I want to be as far away as possible from it when it does.

  40. I tried to use the patch, but it didn't work for me. Since the thread on ULMF said it works for all versions, I applied the patch to VPM version 1.1.4 (The translator went to 100%), but when I launch the game, nothing is translated (I started a new game to check). Is this the appropriate place for questions such as this? Also, the patch is using a .7z zip file which I can extract from, but your RPGmakertrans v4.37 only seems to recognize .zip files, so I have to extract the patch file manually each time.

    1. It does work with VPM 1.1.4. Please make sure you're using RPGMaker Trans correctly (i.e. launching from the translated folder) and if that doesn't work, redownload the patch and retry.

      It's a 7z file because some people were reporting issues with ZIP files.

  41. Pretty sure the translation failed for me because I only extracted the patch file from the zip and nothing else. I redownloaded the patch and extracted everything, and now it works. Thanks.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Thanks. Looking forward to the next translation

  44. Thanks for doing this. I know it's probably difficult and I thank you for all the effort you put into it.

  45. Can you please upload older versions of RPGmakertrans?

    I am stuck in 99% Unpacking, no changes even if I leave it for a day.

    I redownloaded patch and RPGmakertrans v4.5 but still does not work.

    Now my option is to find older versions of RPGmakertrans, if you have 4.35 please upload maybe it will work

    1. Nope. That's what happens when you download the pirated version of the game because the pirated version of the game has the read only flag set on all the files, meaning RPGMaker Trans can't delete the game archive and bugs out.

      It's a known issue on the bug tracker. So in future, please check the bug tracker before complaining.

  46. Replies
    1. I'm good, but not really using Blogger anymore.

      If this is a progress enquiry, then there is progress, but real life has really, really slowed me down.

  47. I have been waiting this project finished 100% translation. I still waiting until now. Come back, Please :l

    1. Oh, I uh, didn't realise people still used this page. Apologies. There's been a lot happening that disrupted things - looking at the thread on ULMF (and in particular this post: will probably be informative for what's been happening.

      Long story short, I'm still working on it, and a release will happen. Still not nailed down the timetable for that though.

  48. Hope everything is going well with you Habisain. I'll still keep waiting for the full translation of this game, just like I did with Fallen Princess Lucia. I know there's a "complete" version on f95 with the final bits done with MTL, but your translation is so much more enjoyable. Take however long you need and even if you do end up abandoning this project, I still want to thank you for putting in all the time and effort that you did to translate what you have already.

    Best wishes!
